Treat Yourself!
Treat Yourself Well event, a special occasion for Steward Employees. Experience the Genius 3D Mammography exam proudly offered at TEPAS Breast Center. Make time for a mammogram and Treat Yourself Well. Schedule your annual screening mammogram during our Treat Yourself...
Space Coast Women’s Day
We kicked off breast cancer awareness month 2021 with Space Coast Women’s Day, an amazing event at the Melbourne Mall! Space Coast Women’s Day is an event focused on empowering, educating, and nurturing women.If you didn’t have a chance to make it, don’t worry,...
Party on the Patio- King Center Event
We had a wonderful time partnering with 98.5 the beach and the King Center for Party on the Patio! If you missed the event don’t worry we have some great pictures below! https://www.tepasbreastcenter.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2021/09/20210918_184502.mp4...
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Brevard Walk 2017
Tepas Breast Center is a proud supporter of the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Brevard Walk. Here are some picture’s from this year’s event, in case you missed...